Audio guide:
Zaimov Sculpture Park
Zaimov Park, Sofia
(in Bulgarian only)
The episode is dedicated to the Zaimov Sculpture Park. Together with our guests, we walk through it, talking about its history, the authors and the works. We take a critical look at its present, outlining different perspectives for its future.
Ivan Rusev, sculptor and coordinator of the project that made this sculpture park a reality in 2001.
Hristo Haralampiev, sculptor and lecturer at the National Academy of Fine Arts, who at the time of the project's realization was the chairman of the Union of Sculptors.
Vladiya Mihaylova, cultural historian and long-time curator at the Vaska Emanuilova Gallery, currently chief curator at the Topocentral Regional Centre for Contemporary Arts.
Pavlin Radevski, sculptor.
Dimi Dimitrov, municipal councillor from the United for Sofia group, took the initiative to make new signs for the sculptures.
През 2023 г. "Гледане с разбиране" стартира новата инициатива "Слушане с разбиране". Тя включва безплатни аудиогидове в музеи в София на български и английски език.
Аудио програмата беше допълнена и от литературни аудиогидове и разходки в софийски музеи в сътрудничество с фондация "Прочети София" и "Литературни маршрути".
Проектът "Слушане с разбиране" се осъществява с подкрепата на Столична община - Програма "Култура".