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Museum audio guide:

Portrait of the artist as the first of his kind.

The Revivalist Zahari Zograf


National Gallery - Square 500

1 "19 February" street, Sofia

The third museum podcast of the "Urban Detective" series for the "Seeing Comprehension" program is dedicated to the personality and work of Zahari Zograf, often called the first Bulgarian painter. Although many of his most famous works decorate the walls of churches in a row of Bulgarian monasteries such as Bachkovo, Rila, Preobrazhensky, in the National Gallery - Square 500, we stand face to face with the creator, facing his self-portrait.

And the fact that he dared to paint self-portraits turns out to be a Renaissance gesture...

The episode features the voices of art critics, former and current curators at the National Gallery "Kvadrat 500"  - Martin Kostashki, Dr. Tanya Staneva  and Assoc. Dorothea Sokolova.

Zahari Zograf - Self-portrait, before 1853.

Слушай на български

Портрет на художника като първи. Възрожденецът Захарий ЗографГрадски детектив
00:00 / 26:16

Listen in English

През 2023 г. "Гледане с разбиране" стартира новата инициатива "Слушане с разбиране". Тя включва безплатни аудиогидове в музеи в София на български и английски език.

Аудио програмата беше допълнена и от литературни аудиогидове и разходки в софийски музеи в сътрудничество с фондация "Прочети София" и "Литературни маршрути". 

Проектът "Слушане с разбиране" се осъществява с подкрепата на Столична община - Програма "Култура".

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"Seeing Comprehension" is a project of the Art Affairs and Documents Foundation.The project was financed by the program "Recovery of cultural organizations" 2022-2023 of the National Fund "Culture" and by the "Cultural heritage and socialization" subprogram of the Sofia Municipality - Program "Culture" for 2023. 

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