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Museum audio guide:

Vaska Emanuilova's space.


Vaska Emanuilova Gallery, Sofia City Gallery branch

15 Yanko Sakazov Blvd., Sofia


Karl Yordanov - portrait of Vaska Emanuilova from 1935.

The second museum podcast from the series by "Listening Comprehension" and "Urban Detective" is dedicated to the sculptor Vaska Emanuilova and the gallery of the same name, a branch of the Sofia City Art Gallery. In the episode, Radoslav Chichev from "Urban Detective" draws a portrait of Emanuilova through the stories of Evgenia Hristova, who worked as her studio assistant. Adelina Fileva, director of Sofia City Gallery, talks about the gallery and how the space continues to present Emanuilova's work, but also presents contemporary art and young authors. 

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През 2023 г. "Гледане с разбиране" стартира новата инициатива "Слушане с разбиране". Тя включва безплатни аудиогидове в музеи в София на български и английски език.

Аудио програмата беше допълнена и от литературни аудиогидове и разходки в софийски музеи в сътрудничество с фондация "Прочети София" и "Литературни маршрути". 

Проектът "Слушане с разбиране" се осъществява с подкрепата на Столична община - Програма "Култура".

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"Seeing Comprehension" is a project of the Art Affairs and Documents Foundation.The project was financed by the program "Recovery of cultural organizations" 2022-2023 of the National Fund "Culture" and by the "Cultural heritage and socialization" subprogram of the Sofia Municipality - Program "Culture" for 2023. 

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